October 21, 2012

Leones Go Lobstering

So, have you ever gone lobstering on the Atlantic Ocean, adjacent to the Cranberry Islands (reminiscent of Blueberries for Sal)? Neither had we. Until our first full day in Maine when we decided we couldn't make it all the way out to a Maine island in the Atlantic without venturing onto the Ocean to haul in some lobsters.

Chartering a trapping vessel for the morning, we not only learned first-hand how the lobstermen do their thing, but we also got the grand tour of Southwest Harbor and the Cranberry Isles region of the Atlantic. Magnificent!

Here we are on the "Elizabeth T.," ready to shove off.
Kathleen and Marguerite.
Joe and Marguerite snuggle as we push off from Southwest Harbor.
Kathleen smiles as we haul in a lobster trap!
Anna Marie and William each took a turn holding a live lobster.
Nothing but the wide blue expanse of the Atlantic in ahead of us. 
Marguerite was a little unsure of the whole thing and spent time snuggling alternately with Mom and Dad.
Our captain dropped us on Great Cranberry Island, accessible only by boat or ferry, for a quiet lunch along the shore. Joe takes it all in, with Mt. Desert Island and Acadia National Park represented in the hills behind him. 

Andrew finds a friend on Great Cranberry Island, just before we jump back on our lobstering boat for our trip back to Mt. Desert Island.

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