September 18, 2010

Our Mighty Triathletes

Anna Marie and Kathleen participated in the Oregon Kids Triathlon this year. It was Anna Marie's second year, while it was Kathleen's debut. 

Both girls had great fun. Kathleen is the first to admit that racing is not her favorite thing in the world: She did it for the goodie bag. Anna Marie, on the other hand, is very competitive, but probably enjoyed hanging out with her friends even more than racing.

Racers at 6:30 am, before their start-times.
Back row: Ben, Madison, Anna Marie, Heather
Front row: Sam, Elijah, & Kathleen
Heather, Anna Marie, Ben & Elijah enjoy the post-race spray.

Just a handful of the triathletes representing Holy Family Homeschoolers and Frassati Runners.
Back row: Ben, Thomas
Middle row: Anna Marie, Madison, Heather, Sam, Kurtis
Front row: Justin, Elijah, Kathleen
Best of friends:
Back: Ben
Middle: Anna Marie, Madison, Heather
Front: Kathleen

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