March 21, 2010

Father-Daughter Dance Retrospective

After the last post, I decided to go back and look at our Father-Daughter Dance photos from the last five years... just to see how the girls (and Joe) have changed and to remember each year.

When I couldn't find a posed photo from 2007, I realized that was the year when Anna Marie and I were sick. I wasn't present to take the posed father-daughter photos, and Joe escorted just Kathleen that year. Even with that little gap in posed photos, these provide a fun look back at the last five years.


Kathleen, Joe, Anna Marie.

Therese was in-utero (and due any day).


Anna Marie and Elizabeth were home with the flu this year.

No formal photos this year, but Kathleen enjoyed the dance with Dad (and won a door prize to boot).


Anna Marie, Joe, and Kathleen.

Two-year-old Therese's last year at home.


Kathleen, Joe, Therese, and Anna Marie.

Therese gets her first taste of the Father-Daughter Dance and stays awake for the whole evening.


Anna Marie, Therese, Joe, & Kathleen.

Two-month old Marguerite is at home, awaiting her dance debut with Daddy.

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