August 9, 2012


We homeschool for so many reasons.

Infographics like the one below help to highlight just a few reasons. (See this earlier post for a comparison of homeschooling with private as well as public schools.)

Homeschool Domination
Created by:

August 7, 2012

Andrew Receives Jesus

Our little man, Andrew, receives Jesus for the very first time on his all important First Communion Day, May 2012.

As Catholics, the Eucharist is the source and summit of our lives. This is a very big day, indeed.

Boy Scout Campout #1

William participated in his first-ever Boy Scout campout in May. This was a basic-skills camp experience where the boys worked to demonstrate their abilities in areas such as handling an axe. William did well and started working toward merit badge requirements at this overnight campout.

Loading the trailer for the campout.
William arrives at camp.

Setting up one of the big tents.
William's sleeping tent, shared with a pal.
William and his great friend.
William discovers a nest of goose eggs!
William waits for his turn to demonstrate that he knows how to safely use an axe.